Mr. Handyman service technicians have been in dozens of home's attics this winter inspecting roof and ice damming damage. What we have noticed in 90% of the attics is that the access door in not insulated in any way. Most of these access panels were in the living space, a closet or hallway. These homeowners are paying good money heating the air that is escaping through the uninsulated access panel. Most of these panels are made out of a piece of plywood or drywall and they are pushed up out of the way to gain access into the attic.
For about $30-$40 a 'somewhat handy' person could purchase enough 1 1/2 inch foam insulation, construction adhesive (liquid nails) and a roll of sticky-back foam weather-stripping to do this small project on their own. You could use the panel as a template to cut 2 layers of the rigid foam, glue them to the top side of the panel so it it two layers thick. Then apply the weather-stripping to the framework of the panel to form a nice fit when it is put back in place.
The added insulation and weather-stripping could save you upwards of $80.00 in heating and cooling costs per year as well as helping your home stay more comfortable when it is really cold out.
The Professional Choice
A companion overview to the popular "Ask Mr. Handyman" radio program airing on Christian Talk Radio, KCRO 660AM Saturdays @ 9:30AM.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Save up to $80 per year with this small task